How to Make Memories with a Simple & Irresistible Recipe

Just saying the words “foil packets” kind of makes me excited! I have such fun memories associated with foil packets in my childhood. These were the meals, usually pretty basic hamburger and veggies, that were cooked in the coals of a fire. Usually, while camping in the mountains, and of course usually with my family or extended family. I loved camping then, and I still love camping now. The smell of the campfire smoke, the chill of the morning or evening air, the sound of a rushing creek or rustling leaves of a tree. Plus, many times, we were able to hang out with our cousins while camping. It’s pretty much the recipe for delight as a child.

While summer is waning, fall is a great time to take advantage of those last warm days and our beautiful world. Even if it’s your own back yard. Literally! Ha! Most of us don’t get outside enough in the fall. We’re just too busy doing…..whatever. So here’s just one more excuse for you to enjoy a beautiful fall evening or afternoon at home or outdoors. Invite some friends over, turn on the grill, build a campfire, and sit out in a chair and smell the smoke. Then, enjoy one of the simplest meals, that somehow tastes the best eaten outside, slightly burned, and with smoke in your eyes.

Basic Hamburger Foil Packets


#1 Everett Beef Extra Lean Hamburger

1 Carrot per foil packet, sliced 1/4in thick

1/2-1 potato chopped small chunks or sliced thinly per foil packet (depending on appetite)

*Optional 1 green chili; seeded and veined and chopped

1-2 Tbsp Olive Oil- high cook temp oil

Salt, Pepper and preferred seasoning to taste

Aluminum foil


  1. Tear off four fairly big pieces of aluminum foil. Make it bigger than you think.

  2. Spray the aluminum foil with a cooking spray to prevent sticking

  3. Season and shape 4 hamburger patties (or more if you want smaller ones)

  4. Mix the olive oil and seasonings and toss all of the veggies in it to coat

  5. Add the veggies to the aluminum foil on top of the hamburger patty

  6. fold the aluminum foil in to seal the packet.

  7. Bake the foil packet over a coal fire on a grate or grill top until done. Give them an hour at least and then check. Don’t put them too close to the fire or they will burn. It helps to turn them every 15-20 min to help prevent sticking and burning. If you want to grill them, cook them over a medium heat, sealed for about an hour. Try to flip them several times to prevent as much sticking and burning as possible.

Laneha Everett

Laneha is an agriculturalist who loves outdoor pursuits, history, music, family & friends and Jesus.  Laneha ranches with her husband Casey, his family and her son Audy in southwest Baca County, Colorado.   They help run the family feedlot and some cattle too.

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